The Importance of Eye Exams

Eye exams aren’t just for people who have vision problems. An annual eye exam is important for everyone—no matter age or physical health—to maintain healthy eyes, prevent vision problems and diagnose diseases early. At Tidewater Eye, Our Doctors recommend a yearly comprehensive eye exam to all patients. The frequency of appointments may increase based on age, physical health and cases of hereditary eye conditions.
Eye examinations are an important part of health maintenance for everyone. Adults should have their eyes tested to keep their prescriptions current and to check for early signs of eye disease. For children, eye exams can play an important role in normal development and learning.
During a comprehensive eye exam in Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, or Portsmouth, Our Doctors will not only determine your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses, but will also check your eyes for common eye diseases, assess how your eyes work together as a team and evaluate your eyes as an indicator of your overall health. Here are some examples of the conditions that Our Doctors will be looking for:
Refractive Error: Refractive error can be related to farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism. An eye exam determines what prescription your eyes need to see properly or which laser eye surgery would work best for you.
Strabismus (crossed eye): Strabismus is defined as crossed or turned eyes. This negatively affects your depth perception. If strabismus isn’t treated, it can lead to amblyopia.
Amblyopia: Amblyopia is when one eye has a very different prescription than the other or when the eyes are turned from each other. If left untreated, amblyopia can stunt the visual development of the affected eye, resulting in permanent vision impairment. Amblyopia is often treated by patching the stronger eye for periods of time.
Eye Diseases: Many eye diseases, such as glaucoma and diabetic eye disease, have no obvious symptoms in their preliminary stages. In most cases, early detection and treatment of eye diseases can help reduce your risk for permanent vision loss.
Other Conditions: The eyes, specifically the retina and blood vessels, can reveal signs of other health issues including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
Regardless of your age or physical health, annual eye exams are important for seeing clearly, helping to detect any eye problems at their early stages when they’re most treatable and preserving your vision for life. To schedule an eye exam in Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, or Portsmouth, contact Tidewater Eye at 757-483-0400 or website.