Detached Torn Retina

Your retina is the light-sensitive tissue on the inner surface of your eye. Light that enters your eye lands on your retina and sends visual messages to your brain through the optic nerve.

Detached and Torn Retina

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Retinal detachment occurs when the retina becomes separated from the pigmented cell layer that nourishes it. The condition may start as a retinal tear and then detach completely. This can occur due to:

Symptoms of Retinal Detachment

If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact our retinal specialists, immediately: this is a medical emergency because retinal problems will impact vision and can ultimately lead to blindness if left untreated.

Old man happily fishing at the river

Treatment for Retinal Detachment

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, our Virginia Beach retinal detachment doctors will perform a comprehensive eye exam to identify the cause of your vision problem so the appropriate treatment can be administered.

One or a combination of these methods may be used to reattach or reseal your retina:

  • Vitretomy: the vitreous gel in the eye is drained and replaced with a gas bubble to reduce retinal pulling due to the changes in vitreous gel
  • Pneumatic retinopexy: a gas bubble is injected into the vitreous gel to push the tear into proper position on the retinal wall
  • Scleral buckle: a flexible silicone band is placed around the eye to relieve pressure caused by the shrinking and contracting of the vitreous gel
  • Retina laser surgery: the retina is connected back in proper position using tiny burns
  • Cryopexy: intense cold is applied to the retinal tear that produces a scar to reattach the retina

Risk Factors for Retinal Detachment

While retinal detachment can occur to anyone, it is more common in people who have:

Men and Caucasian people are more prone to getting retinal detachment (as opposed to women and those of African-American descent). This condition is also more prevalent in older adults.

Contact Tidewater Eye Center

Any sudden vision changes are always cause for concern. If you are experiencing any vision changes, regardless of how minor, contact us today to schedule an eye exam in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, or Portsmouth, VA.

The doctors at Tidewater Eye Centers have either authored or reviewed the content on this site.




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