How Does the Corneal Flap Heal After LASIK?

LASIK, which stands for laser in-situ keratomileusis, is a popular surgery used to correct vision in people who are nearsighted, farsighted or have astigmatism. One aspect of LASIK surgery that has made it such an innovative and effective procedure is the LASIK flap.
The first step of LASIK eye surgery is to partially detach a very thin layer of tissue from the cornea. This layer of tissue remains attached to the cornea on one side, creating a flap. Our Doctors then use a cool laser to alter the shape of the cornea beneath the flap. Changing the shape of the cornea corrects the vision problem that is being treated.
After the shape of the corneal tissue beneath the flap has been properly altered, the flap of tissue is set back into place. The corneal flap will self-adhere itself naturally in just a few minutes. This flap serves as a protective covering for the area of the eye that has been operated on, and thus facilitates rapid healing. The corneal flap begins healing immediately after the LASIK procedure. In fact, with the use of a LASIK flap, the corneal tissue can be as much as 90% healed within 24 hours.
During the first day or two after surgery, the outer surface of the cornea, known as the epithelium, seals the edges of the corneal flap. Over the next few weeks, natural substances inside your cornea bond the corneal flap to the underlying tissue.
While the corneal flap will be securely in place and the risk of it becoming dislodged while you heal is extremely uncommon, we recommend that you avoid rubbing your eyes, especially in the weeks and months following the procedure.
If you suffer from nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, LASIK might be an excellent option to improve your eyesight. In order to determine if LASIK will work well to correct your vision, you should consult with a LASIK surgeon. Our Doctors, who specialize in LASIK surgery in Cheasapeke, Virginia Beach, and Portsmouth will evaluate your vision, the shape of your cornea, your overall health and other factors. They will then provide a suggested course of treatment and help you decide if LASIK is right for you. Contact Tidewater Eye at 757-483-0400 or website to schedule a LASIK consultation.