Do I Qualify for LASIK?

Want to know if you qualify for LASIK vision correction? There are several factors that our doctors look at when examining prospective patients to determine their LASIK eligibility. You may qualify for LASIK if you:
Are at least 18 years of age: LASIK is FDA-approved for people aged 18 and older. However, young adults are encouraged to postpone LASIK until their mid-20s. This age of ocular maturity typically means prescriptions are more stable.
Have a stable prescription: To have LASIK eye surgery, you must have a stable prescription. This means your eyeglass and contact lens prescription has not changed for at least 2 consecutive years.
Have no significant eye problems: It is important for eyes to be healthy, free of diseases, injuries and infections.
Are not pregnant or nursing: Hormone changes and corneal pressure due to fluid retention can affect the vision of a pregnant or nursing woman.
Have a prescription that falls within the treatable range: Your prescription (refractive error) is measured in diopters, a metric unit used to indicate the strength of the eye or lens. Modern LASIK technologies have the potential to treat up to +6.00 diopters of hyperopia, astigmatism up to 6 diopters and nearsightedness up to -12.00 diopters.
Have proper corneal shape and thickness: LASIK improves your vision by reshaping your cornea – the surface of the eye that helps focus light to create an image on the retina. If your cornea is too thin or misshapen, you may not get the results you want.
Have realistic expectations: LASIK does not always create perfect 20/20 vision, although most cases are successful in improving vision. You should proceed with laser vision correction with the realistic goal of reducing your dependency on glasses or contacts.
The only way to know for sure if you qualify for LASIK is to have a comprehensive LASIK consultation in Cheasapeke, Virginia Beach. During your appointment, our doctors will evaluate your candidacy using safe, painless, diagnostic testing and determine a treatment option that is right for you. Contact Tidewater Eye today at 757-483-0400 or website to schedule a consultation.